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About the Journal

The following are published in "Agricultural Engineering" Journal:

  • scientific papers which include original results of the completed theoretical or experimental research the content of which may increase the scientific knowledge in agricultural engineering,
  • review articles which present the current state and knowledge development trends within the scope of the selected issues concerning agricultural engineering,
  • scientific news which present selected fragments of research which are carried out and original scientific positions, measuring methods or methods of developing measurement results.

The journal subject covers agricultural engineering, production engineering, food processing engineering, construction and exploitation of machines, renewable energy sources.

Articles regarding are also accepted plant, animal and horticultural production engineering, food and agricultural processing engineering, dehydration and storing, economics and production management, agricultural farms management, construction and exploitation of vehicles as well as agricultural machines and devices, eco-power industry, IT for agricultural engineering.


An article sent to the Editor's office should be an original compilation of the Author/Authors concerning a scientific discipline that is represented by the Journal, relating to experimental, design, construction, conceptual, methodology, theoretical, or monograph issues. 

  1. The Author sends to the Editor's office ( an article along with a statement, stating that:
  • the paper has not been published before and presently is not involved in any other publishing proceedings and it does not infringe copyrights, legal and material interests of other people pursuant to the act of4.02.1994 on the copyright and the related acts (Journal of Laws, No 24, Item 83), and
  • in case of qualifying the article as suitable for printing, the author agrees to incur the costs of the publishing process and make his/her personal data and a publication available on the website of the Journal.

It is required to reveal the contribution of particular authors to the publication in order to keep to decency in science and social responsibility (the so-called "ghostwriting" barrier), while, the Author reporting the article is mainly responsible.


  1. All manifestations of scientific negligence, breaking and infringing rules of ethics and decency in the science will be reported and revealed on the website of the Journal. Moreover, institutions employing the Authors and other Journals related to the particular scientific discipline will also be informed.
  2. Articles are formally evaluated by the Editor's office (in conformity with the journal's profile and technical requirements) and directed to the subject editors, who suggest two independent Reviewers from outside the Editorial Committee, Scientific Council, and from the unit, in which the Author is employed. Finally, the Reviewers are approved by the Editor- in -Chief after a possible consultation with other subject Editors.
  3. The procedure of review is in accordance with recommendations described in the brochure of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education titled: “Good practice in reviewing procedures in Science”, Warszawa 2011 available on the website of the Journal. A model, in which authors and reviewers are anonymous, is applied.
  4. Reviewers are selected from among the authorities recognized in a given field, but the selected Reviewer - preferred with a scientific title of a professor or habilitated doctor - must guarantee the independence of opinion, no conflict of interest, expressing itself in particular with the lack of personal relations or business relations with the Author of an article and maintaining confidentiality concerning the substantial content of materials as well as opinion on them.
  5. Always one of the reviewers comes from a country other than the author(s).
  6. The Editor directs an article to the selected Reviewers without giving the name/s of the Author/s and his/their affiliations; the editor encloses a current review form and determines a deadline (max. 3 weeks).
  7. The reviewed projects are confidential and anonymous. The reviewers must not use the information on the project before it is published.
  8. The review should be made in writing and should have a final conclusion, determining whether the project can be published or rejected.
  9. The Reviewers are usually not remunerated for reviewing articles for the PTIR journals.
  10. The Reviewer's personal data may be revealed only upon the Author's request and after the Reviewer's agreement in case of a negative review or an article containing disputable elements.
  11. The list of reviewers is published at the end of each year on the website of the Journal.
  12. Reviewers send the prepared reviews to the Editor's office address and then to the Secretary of the Editor's office:
  • sends them to the Author, who corrects the article, and in case of proofs, with which he disagrees, he prepares answers to the review and sends them with a corrected version of an article o the Editor's office,
  • sends the corrected article back to the Reviewer - if, in his opinion, the article requires to be reviewed one more time.
  1. The article corrected should be sent by the Author to the Editor's office within 10 days from the moment he/she received it. Otherwise, the article will be withdrawn from publishing in the particular issue.
  2. The Editor's office decides whether the scientific article will be printed. A final decision is taken on the grounds of analysis of proofs included in the reviews and the final version of the article provided by the Author. In case of a disqualifying review, the Editor-in-Chief rejects the article or directs it to the third Reviewer.
  3. Articles, which have been accepted for publishing are corrected, adjusted, that is abridged, re-formatted, the editor cooperating with the Author. After the text has been made up, the final version is sent back to the Author to make an author revision (only absolutely necessary changes are admissible).
  4. After the author's revision, the article is sent for printing.
  1. Articles, which were ordered and non-scientific texts do not require revision and are qualified for printing directly by the Editor-in-Chief.
  2. When the paper was admitted for printing, the Authors receive information on the amount to be paid to the bank account of the Editor’s office to publish the article.
  3. Publishing fee article in English: 500 EUR.

  • The Editor's office recommends all interested Authors familiarize themselves with the following definitions, which can be found on the websites of the Ministry of Education and Science, inter alia: “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” (“honorary authorship”).
  • The Editor's office has the right to abridge and stylistically adjust texts and to return materials that were prepared against the above-mentioned rules without considering them.
  • The Authors are not remunerated for publications.
  • The Journal agrees to make an invoice for publishing the article within 30 days from printing the issue.

Publishing fee

  • article in English: 500 EUR.

Rejection Rate: 41%

Plagiarism Policy

The editorial board is participating in a growing community of Similarity Check System's users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy. Similarity Check is a medium that allows for comprehensive manuscripts screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.