Assessment of the Pine Forests Condition Using Forest Factors, Physiological Characteristics and Remote Detection Data
forest monitoring, biochemical analyzes, vegetation indices, remote sensingAbstract
This paper evaluates the pathological condition of Belarusian forests with the use of monitoring of traditional forest factors and remote sensing data. The aim of the research was to assess the condition of pine forests to monitor forest degradation based on biochemical analyzes of needle samples and aviation monitoring with the use of monitoring data and remote detection. The remote shooting was carried out quasi-synchronously with the ground sampling of needles using an unmanned aircraft complex of an aircraft type. Based on the results of biochemical analyzes of needle samples, biochemical indicators that characterize the stability and physiological state of pine were determined: the level of peroxidation of membrane lipids; the release of water-soluble substances from plant tissues, which reflect the integrity of the cell walls; the content of photosynthetic pigments in the needles.
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