Activities for Counteracting Wasting Food by Supermarket Chains in the Context of Sustainable Development
food wastage, meat, fruit and vegetables, supermarket chainsAbstract
The problem of food wastage, particularly in the recent period, has been broadly discussed worldwide with regard to various stages of the food supply chain. One of such stages is food distribution to consumers by supermarket chains. The study presents results of activities undertaken by supermarket chain administrators for the purpose of food wastage reduction. One of the basic measures is price reduction aimed at possibly fast sale of products. Such activities can cause an even 8-fold increase in sales in the case of price reduction by half. Other positive activities include donating food to charity organisations or food banks. This study addresses the mutual correlation between the sales of various products, and the effect of the percent of discounts on the sale of products for different product groups in the offer of the supermarket chain, as well as the dependency of the trade volume and the amount of food donated to public purpose organisations. The research was conducted in the period of 4 years of operation (2020-2023) of a Polish chain of grocery supermarkets.
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