Labelling the Carbon Footprint as a Strategic Element of Environmental Assessment of Agricultural Systems
carbon footprint, agricultural systems, greenhouse gases, life cycle assessment, analysisAbstract
The aim of the study was to assess the potential use of the carbon footprint for the environmental evaluation of agricultural systems. Carbon footprint analysis in agriculture has a strategic dimension in terms of sustainable food production. Reducing the negative impact of agriculture on climate change is a key element of many quality management systems and is included in the legislation of many countries. One of the challenges in calculating the carbon footprint is the lack of clear methodologies for determination of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at this stage. Normative documents highlight the need to consider all areas of GHG emissions, but in practice, this is exceedingly difficult due to the specific characteristics of plant production, which takes place under variable conditions related to soil type, its properties, chemical composition, climate, and production technology. Based on a review of the scientific literature, it was concluded that the carbon footprint studies of specific agricultural systems and evaluations of technology improvements (implementing actions to compensate for anthropogenic pressure) should be conducted within an individual system boundary. The system boundary should be developed based on the process map created in accordance with the guidelines of ISO 31000:2018. Most of the input data used in the calculations must be standardized due to the range of parameters dependent on the natural, geographical, and infrastructural conditions of the production location.
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