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Predicting Unit Pressure Indispendable for Generation of Specific Compaction of a Soil Sample


  • Kinga Śnieg

    {"en_US":"university of life sciences in lublin."}
  • Dariusz Błażejczak

    {"en_US":"university of life sciences in lublin."}



soil, compaction, Proctor test, uniaxial test


The objective of the research was to construct an empirical model for prediction of a unit pressure indispensable for generation of a specific compaction of soil samples. Soil material in the form of loose mass was collected from the soil layer deposited in the depth from 35 to 40 cm and then its typical properties were determined (textural group, density of solid particles, humus content, reaction, plastic and liquid limits) and in order to compact it in Proctor apparatus and in the uniaxial compression test. Results of both tests were used for construction of regression models reflecting the course of the unit strength (Pρd) necessary to generate compaction (ρdj) equal to the dry bulk density obtained in Proctor apparatus (ρdp), in relation to the sample moisture (ρdm). Searching for relations was restricted to the scope of moisure between an optimal one acc. to Proctor and the soil plastic limit. It was stated that the pressure value Pρdp made on the soil sample in the uniaxial compression test depends significantly on ws and ρdm, and for description of this relation the use of multiple regression is sufficient. It was found out that for model samples with a textural group of silt loam and loam, differences in dry bulk density obtained in Proctor apparatus are approximately up to 0.15 g⋅cm−3.







How to Cite

Predicting Unit Pressure Indispendable for Generation of Specific Compaction of a Soil Sample. (2018). Agricultural Engineering , 22(3), 85-92.