The Expert System Supporting Decision-Making in the Process of Vegetable Pests Extermination During Vegetation Period
decision support, expert system, pest identification, red beet, mechanical engineeringAbstract
The paper presents a computer system supporting the identification of vegetable pests during the vegetation period and the way in which it works on the example of red beet. The objective was to develop an expert system to facilitate the identification of pests and suggest an appropriate method of controlling them. Filling the database with the knowledge applying to one narrow area of knowledge turns the expert system framework into an expert system in this area of knowledge. The system consists of the expert system and the database in the form of text files, which contain additional explanations. The user of the expert system - “DSS – pest control” needs to answer the following questions: in the first stage the user selects the diagnosed vegetable, in the second stage, the user selects the symptom or symptoms on the above-ground vegetable part, in the third stage, the user selects the symptom or symptoms on the below-ground vegetable part. The designed decision support system (“DSS – pest control”) may be used by individual vegetable growers. It may also serve as an educational program, e.g. for students who want to find out more about the specific areas of knowledge as well as for scientists and researchers.
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